What is Jaggery or Gur? How it is prepared?

What is Jaggery or Gur? How it is prepared?

Jaggery may have belonged to an Indian family. From pure sweet flour to sherbet, jaggery or gur is a big part of our diet. Known for its unique taste and many uses. It is an unrefined sugar made from raw sugarcane juice. This juice is boiled until it turns yellow. Jaggery is usually done with sugarcane juice; However, it can be prepared with coconut sap and date palm.

Over the years, jaggery has been known for its thousands of benefits. It is the purest, unrefined, non -centrifugal sugar commonly used in India. It usually varies in colour from golden brown to dark brown. Most jaggery is made from fruit juice, but sometimes it is also made from palm juice. It is more expensive than the last.

Jaggery is made from sugarcane juice or the sap of certain trees, such as dates, etc. The extracted juice is reduced to one-third of the original volume by heating, and the liquid is continuously stirred, and then reduced after cooling. After thickening completely, it is transferred to a shallow pan, then it is allowed to cool and harden with jaggery. Cut this jaggery into pieces and make rounds or bricks.

Jaggery is much more complex than sugar because it is made up of longer sucrose chains, so it is digested slower than sugar and releases energy more slowly than spontaneously, thus harming the body. Provides energy for a longer duration without being delivered. When jaggery is cooked in an iron vessel, a large amount of ferrous salt also gets deposited during the cooking process.